Brandt Gardens & Greenhouse

Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice
Employers play a vital role in the health of their employees. Healthy employees are more productive, use less sick time, and reduce healthcare costs. Brandt Gardens & Greenhouse is partnered with the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) to bring locally grown, fresh fruits and vegetables to your work site, for your employees’ health. We handle of the details, so that you can focus on the productivity of your healthy employees.
People who eat healthy foods reduce their risks for heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.
Most Minnesotans do not meet the recommended daily intake of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.
Worksites that provide fresh, healthy food on-site allow employees to make healthy food choices part of their daily lives.
Brandt Gardens and Greenhouse will provide:
Free produce program for employers, and affordably priced produce for employees
Guaranteed fresh local produce
Refrigerated trailer of fresh produce to market to employees
Convenient delivery schedule to meet employee and business needs
Making the healthy choice the easy choice the easy choice for employees
Employer Role in Worksite Produce Market:
Agree to have Brandt Gardens & Greenhouse provide locally grown produce to employees on worksite premise
Develop regular schedule, and designate a parking place for produce trailer
Allow employees to complete an online survey to understand consumer interests and needs
Send internal reminders to employees on delivery days and permit employees to shop during breaks
Provide feedback about the program and partnership
To set up your Worksite Produce Market, contact Bill Brandt, 507-360-5904.
University of Minnesota Extension Nutrition Educators
Diana Madsen, SHIP State Health Improvement Program
Joe Domeier, Minnesota Valley Action Council Food Hub
David Fluegel, University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership
Michelle Schermann, University of Minnesota on Farm GAPs Education Program
Annalisa Hultberg, Cornell University GAPs Program
Jon Frank, International Ag Labs, Inc
Linda Sanchez, coordinator, Manna Food Pantry.org, Worthington, Minnesota
Christine Bullerman, coordinator, Nobles County Wellness
Robin Wees, Southwest Regional Development
Joanne Bartosh, A.C.E of Southwest Minnesota